1.What is the Translation of figures?
Definition: All the _______on the figure, move for the same_________and_________on the plane.
- After the figure be translated, what has been changed and what hasn’t been changed?
What has been changed: 1.position 2.size 3.shape (circle the right answer)
What hasn’t been changed:1.position 2.size 3.shape (circle the right answer)
- Group work I
- Measure the length of sides and the sizes of the angles, and share what you’ve found?
Conclusion2: After translation, the corresponding________________________are_________.
- Connect point and then measure them,and share what you’ve found?
Conclusion3: After translation, the ______between every group of corresponding______is equal.
- We call:
The distance between corresponding points is the distance of_____________________
4.Group work II
Try to move the figures 3 units down , 3 units right.
Exercise 1:Try to move the figures 6 units right & 2 units down , and then find the distance and direction of translation.
Exercise 2: Please move the “Circle” 3 units left.